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TOP PAGEAcademic ProgramsAoyama Action Learning Courses 〉Internet Business Project

Internet Business Project

Systematic learning on how to use cutting-edge information technology (IT) to create business strategy-related concepts, to develop and implement applications, and to steadily progress in business projects.

In our contemporary era, IT and the Net are not only requirements to regular business duties, but also essential tools for management strategies. In this course, the academic year is dedicated to project-based learning, especially in the conception and realization of e-commerce (EC) business projects.

The students will go through several practical stages, from planning to implementation. Since they actually develop their projects, they can learn how to use ever-changing IT to tackle various key consideration points. Story-centered learning is used to develop and internalize these important skills. This course is designed to close the 2-year MBA experience in real-world skills and includes business strategies, Net marketing and customer acquisition, e-commerce and detailed advice on how to set up and operate a website, with a variety of related techniques and methods plus product appeal and evaluation.

What Students earn by completing this course

  • The students themselves will carry out IT work, learning how to view and use IT as an effective strategy implementation tool. The students will become aware of the need for people in managerial positions to understand IT and better use its strengths and resources to achieve business goals.
  • The students will learn how to better use their individual strengths and skills to work effectively with IT.
  • The students will learn how to promote e-commerce related businesses.