


秋山 将次郎さん

秋山 将次郎さん(2022年度イブニングコース入学)(有限責任 あずさ監査法人勤務)












最後になりましたが、この貴重な学びと経験を与えて下さった岩井千明教授や福井一枝先生、社外取締役の皆様、Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of BusinessのDavid Lamont 先生、カーネギーメロン大学をはじめとした各国のマネジメント・ゲームに参加された学生の皆様に心よりの感謝を申し上げます。本当に貴重な機会を有難うございました。

Irreplaceable and valuable experience gained through continuous thinking

Management Game, Shojiro Akiyama, Azsa LLC, 2022 cohort, Evening Course

The reasons for taking this course.

I have decided to take this management game course as soon as I enrolled in ABS. I chose to pursue my studies at ABS because I wanted to to learn about business, and this subject provided an opportunity for me to apply what I had learned in classroom lectures and get experience in the field. I was initially concerned about taking the course because it overlapped with the peak season in my work, but eventually I decided to continue with this course because I still held onto my initial desire to learn and experience business.

What I learned from this course.

In this course, there are five fictitious watch manufacturers in the world, and the students are entrusted by shareholders with the management of one of them for three years, competing against students from other business schools around the world such as the United States, Ukraine, and China. We make quarterly decisions on our company's strategy and determine the assumed strategies of other companies based on the past and current market trends,. We also report our performance to the board of directors. This process repeats for three years.

This subject taught me so many things that I can't put them all here, and these experiences have become part of me and my understanding.

This game may appear simple to play. Before the game starts, we determine the three-year management goals, business plans, and a personnel assessment evaluation systems for each officer (CEO, CFO, CMO, CTO, etc.). Once the game starts, all we have to do is analyze the market and other companies, discuss our own strategies (marketing, production, finance, etc.), report our performance to external directors, and propose strategies for the next period. So, if we were just making quarterly decisions, observing the results, and deciding the next strategy, I don't think there would be much learning (beyond simple impressions such as "increased" or "decreased" or "won" or "lost").
However, the most profound learning in this subject comes from the presence of the board of directors.

In addition to the five ABS students, five ABS alumni serve as external directors. We report our quarterly performance to them, and each year a board of directors meeting is held where we explain our performance for the period and our future strategies. To fulfill our accountability to the external directors, we always need data and theoretical background for our decision-making. Furthermore, as external directors ask questions from multiple perspectives, we also need logical and adaptive capabilities. These external directors are individuals who have experienced management games and are active in real business, so they provide feedback from the angles we may not have considered, making it truly challenging. However, it is through this process that we gain confidence in our choices, prepare to convey our thoughts, convince others, and respond to questions. It is the ultimate experience and the greatest learning opportunity.

Of course, each of us learns from the perspective and thinking of each officer role, as well as the sentiments that come with being in those positions. As a CEO, there were times when I had to focus on the micro details, but I always kept in mind to constantly observe the market trends and the team's situation from a broader perspective. It is often said that "the president/CEO is lonely," and I can understand that feeling.

The things each officer can learn may differ slightly, but what everyone can learn from this subject is the experience of continuously thinking and struggling to make decisions that aim to enhance the company's value. We must meet our responsibilities to shareholders and external directors by evaluating numerous views and always pondering the greatest selection among several alternatives. I am sure that this experience cannot be replicated in other courses.

How will you apply what you have learnt from this course in the future?

This this course and the experience at ABS have reminded me that companies are living entities, constantly moving and evolving, but that there are always people at the root of it all. Because of my position, I have the opportunity to discuss and receive advice from clients' executives. I want to understand as much as possible about what they are thinking and experiencing, so that I can support them to the best of my ability.

Furthermore, I also believe that the friendships I've formed, with people who have persevered through adversity and shared experiences that cannot be gotten elsewhere, will be a valuable asset to me in the future.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Iwai, Professor Fukui, the external directors, Professor Lamont, and all the students who participated in the management games from various countries, including Carnegie Mellon University. Thank you all for providing me with this invaluable opportunity.
