
2023年度 海外研修セミナーⅠ 授業紹介


山口 史織さん(2022年度イブニングコース入学)

私がマレーシア研修に参加しようと思ったきっかけは、マラヤ大学ビジネススクールのProf. Dr. Ismawatiによる青山ビジネススクール(ABS)の授業内講演がきっかけでした。その授業で、マレーシアの経済状況についてご説明頂き、金融を含めたIT技術の発展の可能性を大きく感じました。高齢化が進む日本とは全く違い、異例の速さで人口が増加しているマレーシアの経済システムについて、今後も拡大が予想されるイスラム金融とITの側面からより深く市場を理解する必要性を感じ、研修に参加するに至りました。

マレーシアのイメージといえば、ツインタワー、イスラム教といった浅い知識しかなく、実際に現地に訪問してみると、自分がいかに無知であったかを強く思い知らされました。研修の初日に、イスラム法の”シャリア適格”について学んだのですが、 “シャリア適格”という概念を日本の宗教感覚から道徳的善のような概念だと理解していたのですが、毎日の研修が進む度に、”シャリア適格”の厳格さを再認識し、研修が終わる頃には、”シャリア適格”はソフトローのレベルではなく、深く社会に入り込み、マレーシアの経済発展のために社会や国家を動かしていることに気づいた時には、正直、驚きを隠せませんでした。マレーシアでは毎朝、街中の至る所から、礼拝の合図アザーンの音が響き渡り、厳かな空気が流れます。旅行者であっても、イスラム教を意識せずにマレーシアで過ごすことは難しく、毎日、自身の無学浅識さと対峙しながら、いつも以上に身をもって深く学びとることができたと感じています。


また、個人での訪問が難しい公的機関にもたくさん訪問することができました。Malaysian Institute of Accountants、ZAKAT(喜捨;Tax)Office、Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Financeなど、シャリア適格を遵守するための様々な組織があり、それぞれの訪問先で、組織の取り組みについて丁寧にご説明いただき、現地大学での学びがより実学に変わり非常に有意義な時間となりました。




Experience from the Malaysia Overseas Study Seminar

I participated in Overseas Training Seminar in Malaysia after being captivated by the lecture by Prof. Dr. Ismawati from the Business School of Universiti Malaya at ABS. In that class, Professor explained economic situation in Malaysia, and I was impressed by the potential for growth in IT technology, particularly in finance. Unlike Japan, where the population is ageing, Malaysia is experiencing rapidly population growth at an unexpected rate. I felt the need to deepen my understanding of the of Islamic finance and IT perspective, which are expected to continue expanding, regarding Malaysia's economic system. This led me to participate in the Overseas Training Seminar.

My perception of Malaysia was limited to superficial characteristics such as famous landmarks like the Twin Towers and a basic understanding of Islam. However, while visiting the country, I've realized how little I know about this country. On the first day of the seminar, I learned about the concept of 'Shariah Compliant.' Initially, I perceived it through the lens of moral goodness, based on my Japanese religious background. However, as the training progress each day, I came to understand the profound depth and rigidity of 'Shariah Compliant’. By the end of the program, I was genuinely impressed to realize that for Malaysians, 'Shariah Compliant' extends far beyond a soft law concept, as it is profoundly ingrained in cultural and national dynamics that promote economic prosperity for the Malay community. Thus, every morning in Malaysia, the calls to start prayer, Azan, fills the air, creating a solemn atmosphere in which I am able to learn more deeply than usual.

The students learned not only Islamic law, but also Islamic marketing, the history of the development of Islamic finance, trends in corporate governance and Sustainability information disclosure, organizational behavior, and changes in population growth and digitalization. We received direct guidance from local professors from the University of Malaya and the University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia.

What was particularly impressive was the use of board games to help students understand Islamic finance which contains many may complicated contracts. Since I had the opportunity to interact directly with the professor in a small group, I felt comfortable asking even simple questions. Even after the seminar, Professor introduced me to a paper on Islamic bonds (sukuk), and I appreciated the opportunity to talk directly with the professors.

Additionally, I visited many public offices that would have been difficult to visit on my own. There were various organizations for ‘Shariah Compliant’, such as the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, ZAKAT (Tax) Office, and the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance. I was given a detailed explanation of the organization's initiatives, which helped me apply what I had learned at the local universities previously.. It was a very meaningful time.

Apart from the daytime seminar, I had the opportunity to interact with ABS alumni who had relocated from Japan to Malaysia after graduating from ABS, and had started local businesses. I learned from her a lot, about the current economy situation in Malaysia, such as business opportunities and the market conditions. I was so inspired her enthusiastic experience, which made me believe that I could start a business here in Malaysia. . Compared to Thailand and Singapore, I felt that there were still many opportunities because a lot of Japanese companies and banks are expanding into Malaysia.

To conclude, visiting Malaysia, which is the entrance to the Islamic world in Asia, allowed me to learn a lot of new things and explore the world for myself, which is the gateway to the Islamic world in Asia, it was a very valuable experience. Thanks to Prof. Ichino, who has been working hard on continuing seminar in Malaysia for many years, and Prof. Nakatsuka, who supported student to set up a conducive environment, I was able to concentrate myself in my studies with peace of mind. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone at ABS for giving me such a valuable opportunity.
