
担当:細田 髙道教授、中塚 昭宏助教






ABSからは選抜された4名の学生(イブニングコース2年 伊原春奈さん、久保田裕一さん、茅野敦史さん、薮田朋子さん)がこのプロジェクトに参画し、すでに9月中旬から始動しています。プロジェクト全体のタスク数が100個以上にも及ぶ活動となる中で、一つ一つのタスク精度を上げるだけでなく、限られた時間の中で遂行しなくてはならないため、かなりのハードワークが求められています。そのため、各チームメンバーには、主体的かつ積極的な取り組みが必須になることは当然のことながら、それをチームで役割分担し、また支え合いながら緊密に連携して遂行するというチームワークの良さも必要不可欠となります。加えて、ABS内だけでなく、森永乳業社、EBSとの信頼関係を構築し、3者一体となった活動が実現できるが成功の鍵となります。


The "Consultancy Project" (in-charge faculties: Professor Takamichi Hosoda and Assistant Professor Akihiro Nakatsuka) for the academic year 2022 started in September.

This module provides practical consulting in the field of the management for actual company issues and is offered jointly with an overseas business school. The unique feature of this class is that students can have an experience of global consulting for real business companies, rather than in-class learning one based on pedagogical tools such as cases and simulations.

In response to the issues presented by the client company, ABS students will practice a series of consulting work such as the project management, market research and analysis using market data and interviews, the marketing strategy formulation, the supply chain development, and the financial planning within a short period of 13 weeks.

The client company for this year is Morinaga Milk Industry Co., LTD. To achieve the group vision, becoming a global company that exerts a unique presence worldwide, Morinaga Milk entrusted us with the task of examining its business plan, focusing on the business strategy, the marketing, and the supply chain development related to its expansion into south-eastern Asia markets. Six people from Morinaga Milk, including the executive managing officer in charge, participate in the project.

The academic partner is University of Exeter Business School(EBS) in the UK, as in the previous year, with the cooperation of Professor Stephen Disney and other members of EBS.

After screening, 4 students are picked out: Haruna Ihara, Yuichi Kubota, Atsushi Chino, and Tomoko Yabuta, 2nd year evening course students. The project has started from mid-September. With the number of tasks in the entire project amounting to more than 100 activities, a great deal of hard work is required, not only to improve the accuracy of each task, but also to execute them within a limited time frame. Therefore, it is essential for team members to work independently and proactively, and it is also essential for them to have good teamwork, in which they share roles and support each other while working closely together to accomplish these tasks. In addition, the key to success is to build a relationship of trust not only within ABS, but also with Morinaga Milk and EBS, in order to realize activities in which all three parties are united.

Finally, we would like to thank Morinaga Milk for giving us this valuable opportunity, and we will work as a team to complete the project so that we can contribute to the further development of Morinaga Milk.
