在学生の相原 嘉夫さんが「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023」を受賞


青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科(青山ビジネススクール:ABS)の相原 嘉夫さん(2022年度イブニングコース入学)が、Forbes JAPAN誌が発表した、世界を変える30歳未満日本人「30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023」のBUSINESS & FINANCE & IMPACT部門の一人に選出されました。

「30 UNDER 30」は、世界77カ国で44のローカル版を発行する経済誌『Forbes』が、グローバルで展開するプロジェクトで、米『Forbes』により2011年に発足し、世界を変革する若きイノベーターやディスラプターを表彰するアワードです。日本では2018年にスタートし、今回で6年目となります。



Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023

相原 嘉夫さん

Yoshio Aihara (MBA 2nd year) wins Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023 AWARD

Yoshio Aihara, a graduate student at Graduate School of International Management (a.k.a. Aoyama Business School), has been selected as one of the "30 Under 30 JAPAN 2023" in the BUSINESS & FINANCE & IMPACT category by Forbes JAPAN magazine. The 30 UNDER 30 is a global initiative to promote the development of the Japanese under 30 years of age.

30 UNDER 30 is a global project of Forbes, an economic magazine that publishes 44 local editions in 77 countries around the world.
Launched in 2011 by Forbes in the US, the awards recognise young innovators and disruptors who are changing the world. It was launched in Japan in 2018 and is now in its sixth year.

IVA Corporation, of which Yoshio is the CEO, operates Fake Busters, an authenticity and forgery appraisal service with the No. 1 market share in Japan using AI and appraisers.

The company uses an appraisal team with diverse backgrounds, state-of-the-art specialist equipment and AI appraisal technology to carry out appraisals, and the total number of appraisals has exceeded 1.5 million. The company also provides appraisal services tailored to its customers' needs, including quick appraisals based on images and complete appraisals based on actual objects.

▼For more information, click here.
Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023
IVA Co., Ltd.

Yoshio Aihara