





日 時: 2024年3月4日(月)13:00~16:30
会 場: ZOOMによるオンライン開催のセミナーになります
テーマ: 『PBR1倍割れ問題是正に向けた企業価値創造への潮流』
司会進行: 森田 充 国際マネジメント研究科 教授
参加費: 無料※お申し込みは先着順300名様までとなります。
13:05~13:10 【開会の辞】
片山 一夫 氏 日本証券アナリスト協会 常務理事
13:10~13:55 【講演】
吉野 貴晶 氏 青山学院大学 客員教授/ニッセイアセットマネジメント 投資工学開発センター長兼投資工学開発部長
13:55~14:40 【講演】
菊地 正俊 氏 みずほ証券エクイティ調査部チーフ株式ストラテジスト
14:50~15:35 【講演】
佐藤 明 氏 株式会社バリュークリエイトパートナー
15:35~16:20 【講演】
佐藤 淑子 氏 日本IR協議会 専務理事
16:20~16:25 【閉会の辞】
中里 宗敬 青山学院大学 副学長



ABS will hold a seminar titled "Trends in Corporate Value Creation with an attempt to resolve the PBR (price-book-value ratio) less than one issue." on Monday, March 4, 2024.

The Securities Analysts Association of Japan, which has provided the ABS Donation Lecture (Business Analysis and Fund Management Simulation), and ABS will hold a seminar titled "Trends in Corporate Value Creation with an attempt to resolve the PBR (price-book-value ratio) less than one issue." on Monday, March 4, 2024.

This event is open to ABS students, graduates, successful prospective students for this year's admission examination, and members of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange is requesting replies from companies classed as 'PBR less than 1 by the end of March 2023 to improve capital efficiency'. This is part of efforts to achieve management mindful of cost of capital and stock prices.

During this seminar, renowned speakers will present solutions to the PBR blow1 challenge. Those interested are encouraged to participate. Participation is free of charge. "Registration is first come, first served.

Date and Time: Monday 4th March, 2024 13:00 - 16:30
Venue: The seminar will be held online via Zoom.
Theme: " Trends in Corporate Value Creation with an attempt to resolve the PBR (price-book-value ratio) less than one issue."
Moderator: Professor Mitsuru Morita, Graduate School of International Management Participation
Fee: Free of charge.※Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis for up to 300 participants.
13:05~13:10 [[Opening Remarks]
Kazuo Katayama Managing Director, The Securities Analysts Association of Japan
13:10~13:55 [Lecture]
"Indicators for the Revival of PBR below 1 Stocks"
Takaaki Yoshino Visiting Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University / Head of Investment Engineering Development Center and Director of Investment Engineering Development Department, Nissay Asset Management
13:55~14:40 [Lecture]
"Corporate Responses to the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Request for Management Conscious of Capital Costs and Stock Prices"
Masatoshi Kikuchi Chief Equity Strategist, Mizuho Securities Equity Research Department
14:50~15:35 [Lecture]
"Creating Value from Invisible Assets"
Akira Sato Partner, Value Create Co., Ltd.
15:35~16:20 [Lecture]
"Improving Corporate Value through Disclosure and Dialogue"
Yoshiko Sato xecutive Managing Director, Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA)
16:20~16:25 [Closing Remarks]
Munenori Nakasato Vice President, Aoyama Gakuin University
How to register

To apply, please submit your "Name and Enrollment Year (for members of the Analyst Association, please include your Membership Number and Affiliation)".
A viewing URL will be sent to the email address you provided at a later date.
If you have any questions, please email us at 2024saajabs1@gsim.aoyama.ac.jp.

"Trends in Corporate Value Creation with an attempt to resolve the PBR (price-book-value ratio) less than one issue." pamphlet here